A Great Place to Grow n' Learn
A Great Place to Grow n' Learn

                  Extracurricular Activities

Tumblers Class

During our school year, we also offer a weekly Tumblers/dance class on Tuesday as a extracurricular activity for children ages 3-12 during our school year. 


Our dance class instructor is Ms.  Tanecia, Owner of Spirit of dance school located in Cartersville Georgia. ( click the link below to sign-your child up for dance class)




Amazing Athletes Classes

Amazing athletes class  occurs weekly  at Learning Day's Atlanta. Enrolled children will participate in 25-30 minutes of class with Amazing Athletes coach and school peers to build muscle and motor development through active games, exercise teamwork and listening skills and practice a new sport each week!

Enrolled children will have class each week! 

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"A Great Place to Grow n' Learn"
© Learning Days


