One of our goals is to promote healthy living at Learning Days. We strive to promote healthy eating and healthy living, which leads to healtier families.
According to Healthy, " Good nutrition is essential to good health and the American Academy of Pediatrics encourages parents to think of their nutritional decisions as health decisions and it important that physical activity be a regular part of family life."
In our centers, you will provide two nutitional meals with a wholesome healthy snack. We provide children with a dailywhole grain and lots of fruits asnd vergetables. We do not serve pork or fried foods in our centers and very little to no sweets. * Healthy Family resources are always available on site.
To promote promote physical activities, children are provided with 1-1.5 hours of outdoor play daily to encourage the chidren to get the recommended daily excercise that is needed for a healthy body.
Please take a moment to download and read our Wellness policy.
With Your family's health in mind!
Learning Days